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Monday, May 18, 2015

Interview questions of Infosys

1). Can you edit data in the Repeater control?
2). Can you explain what inheritance is and an example of when you might use it?
3). How can I identity the updated rows in a dataset?
4). How can we give strong name to assembly? What is satellite assembly?
5). How do you call and execute a stored procedure in .NET?
6). How will you load dynamic assembly? How will create assemblies at run time?
7). Using ActiveX control in .NRT.
8). Using query analyzer, name 3 ways you can get an accurate count of the number of records in a table?
9). What is customized exception?
10). What are advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft provided data provider classes in ADO.Net?
11). What are the differences between c# and VB. Net a part from syntax? Which is more powerful, how do we determine which language to be used when designing a .Net app?
12). What is a data adapter?
13). What is CLR?
14). What is data grid and what is the use of it?
15). What is ISAPI?
16). What is the answer for which configuration Tool your using means? We have to tell about IIS or .Net Framework or VSS? Give me in brief?
17). What is the difference between a Debug and Release Build? Is there a significant speed difference? Why or why not?
18). What is the difference between imperative and interrogative code?
19). Where on the internet would you look for web services?
20). With respect to security, which one is the better choice. .NET or J2EE? Explain...

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