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Monday, May 18, 2015

Interview questions of CSC

1). Can we have more than 1 partial classes in the same file?
2). Can we store PROGID information in database and dynamically load the component?
3). Difference between ADO and ADO.Net?
4). Difference between SqlCommand and SqlCommandBuilder?
5). How can we add a check box or dropdown list to a column in data grid ?
6). How can you deploy an asp.net application?
7). How do you find the error, how can you know the number of rows affected by last SQL Statement?
8). How does the life cycle of windows services differ from standard EXE?
9). What is class and object explain with example?
10). What is difference between .dll and .exe files?
11). What are HTML controls, web controls, and server controls?
12). What are the components in .Net?
13). What are the features of ADO.Net?
14). What does it mean by disconnected data access architecture of ADO .Net?
15). What is name space for xml in asp.net?
16). What is reflection in Microsoft .net?
17). What is the .Net data type that allows the retrieval of data by a unique key?
18). What is the architecture of connected environment of data access in ADO .Net?
19). What is the top .NET class that everything is derived from?
20). What is the use of System.Diagnostics. Process class?
21). Which template must you provide in order to display data in Repeater control?

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