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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

C# Logical Programs

->Number Patterns

->Star Patterns

->Alphabet Patterns


->Hexagon shape Pattern

->Revers Examples

->Array Programs

->Matrix Program Example's


->Write a program to find out the Even or Odd number.

->Write a program swapping two numbers without use third variable

->Write Program to Get a Number and Display the Sum of the Digits.

->Write a program a give the input and check the palindrome or not?

-> Write a program in C# count the duplicate Numbers?

->Write a program check the Armstrong number is or not?

->Write a Program to Check Whether the Entered Year is a Leap Year or Not in C#

->Write a program Enter the length and then Enter the sentence more than given length and count the vowels, consonant, special characters in C#.

->Enter the Integers and find the how many numbers have been entered?

->Write in C# programming language and will accept a number as input. The loops are used to build a left-aligned pattern of *.

->Write in C# programming language and will accept a number as input. The loops are used to build a right aligned pattern of *.

->Write a program to find the factorial of input the given number?

->Write a program to find the factorial of input the given number Using the Recursion method?

->Write in C# programming language and will accept a number as

input. The loops are used to build some pattern of *.

->Write in C# programming language and will accept a number as input. The loops are used to build a diamond pattern of *.

-> Write a program of diamond pattern is using with three loops?

->Write a program in  C# Tribonacci series

->Find the prim number between Given the range max and min value.

->Write a program in c# enter the string and count each character and total characters.

-> Check whether a given input number is palindrome or not, if not then find the nearest palindrome and if input middle number of two palindrome numbers the display of both palindrome numbers.

->Count of each character and total character to the given input string using user defined method.

->Convert to Binary to Decimal

->Convert to Decimal to Binary

->Write a program that is given a string change every word of the first letter in the capital letter?

->Write a program input the array element and sum the Even numbers and Odd numbers.

->Write a program input a string and remove the bowel in the string. 

->Write a program a given number check Circular prime number or not?

->Write a program to check pandigital number or not

->Write a program product of two numbers without using  of multiplication operator(*)

->Write a program to check the prime numbers and Add the all prime numbers of the store in  Array.

->Write a program Removing Duplicate Character from a string using an array

->Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in C#

->Write a program how do we add two numbers without using+ operator 
->Write a program we can find the sum of the numbers from 1 to n.
->Write a program give a string and if first char of every word is capital then it is to be small character and if first char of every word is small then it is to be a capital character in c#

->Write a program to perform the ATM Transaction.

->How to convert a number into words in C#

->How to find the second largest number of the given 0 to 9 numbers in c#

->Find a Number using Pythagoras Theorem in c#

->How to Find the Largest Word in give string array in C#

How to Find the Smallest Word in give string array in C#

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