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Monday, May 25, 2015

-> Some special Question and Answer of ASP.Net

-> Various Data Bound Controls Used in ASP.Net

-> Some Common Regular Expressions

->File Upload and Download Example

->How to implement Calculation of Sum, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division with store all the value in database in 3 tier Architecture .

->Example of Calendar control and retrieve birthday date from data base and display on calendar control and when click birthday date the displayed details of person(s).

->Create an example of GridView Control to bind employee data and displays in a tabular layout by specifying the columns as BoundField, CommandField and performing the editing, deleting, sorting, & paging operations.

->CURD Operation Without Database

->Check Box Example, Display the result to combination of  ","  "and" and "."

->CRUD Operation  Using GridView Control  and store procedure  in ASP.Net

->Created Dynamically and Displaying Data form database in Table  in ASP.Net

-> How to generate BarCode and Read thee BarCode in Asp .Net

->How to Perform CRUD operation with 3-tier using gridview and dynamic bind of drop down list in grid view when click edit button in asp .net

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