We are providing online training of realtime Live project on Asp.Net MVC with Angular and Web API. For more information click here. If you have any query then drop the messase in CONTACT FORM

->SQL Server Select Insert Update Delete in Single Stored Procedure (Query) with Example

->How to auto increment alphanumeric primary key in sql server

Query based

->Create a table Emp with columns as Emp_id, Last_Name, First_Name, Dept_id, Job_cat, sal. Write a query  which shows the Deptid, minimum sal and maximum sal paid that department, only of the minimum salary is less than 5000 and the Maximum salary is more than 15000?

->Create table write a query to show the maximum salary paid in each job category of each department.

->Create table Employee contains these columns Last_Name, Salary, Comm .Write a query to display the name and annual salary multiplied by the comm. for all employees. For records that have a null commission zero must be displayed against the calculated column

->Write a SQL statement to query the result set and display row as columns and columns as row?

->WAQ to find number of weeks he worked from joining date?
     Employee joined date '1-4-2006' still he is working. 

->Large Example

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