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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Real time Examples in C#

->What is mean by Console Application

->Variables and Types
->Oop's Concept

->Oop's Concept Questions and Answers


->Conditional Statements


->Practical Questions and Answers of Arrays

->Practical Questions and Answers of Collection

->String manipulation in c#

->Date time format in c#

->String And String Builder

->Static Members and Constants

->Properties and Indexers

->Abstract Class & Interfaces, Sealed Class and Partial Class

->Structure and Enumeration

->Practical Questions and Answers of Enum and Structures

->Exceptions & Exception Handling


->Threading In C#

-> Different Types of classes in C#

-> HashTable And Dictionary

-> What is Delegates and types of delegates, Explain with Example?

->Lambda expressions

->What is Jit compilers?. How many types are available in C#

->What is the difference between Release Mode and Debug Mode.

->Foreach loop

->Collections And Generic Collections

->What is async and await?

->Why we do write a configuration file in XML only? we can write in notepad also...& we need an XML file?

->What is a difference among Constant, Readonly and Static Explain with Example.

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