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Monday, May 14, 2018


Brief Introduction of TypeScript
Typescript is a strongly-typed superset of JavaScript and it makes more readable and maintainable. This is an open-source language created by Microsoft. Way of the writing syntax similar is C# oop’s concept. Typescript can be used for cross-browser development.

What are the features?
  • It is a strong type language and similar to oop’s Concept
  • It supports Access Modifiers and Properties
  • It supports data Types
  • It supports modules and classes
  • It supports Static and Instant member
  • It supports Function Overloading and Constructor
  • It supports Inheritance
  • It supports Modules 
  • It supports Template string
  • It supports interfaces
  • It supports generics
  • Typescript Code is Converted into Plain JavaScript Code
How to Install
We can install two ways of typescript

  • Using npm(Node.js Package Manager)
  • Install in Visual Studio

How to install using npm
First, we have to install the node.js. Download it from this location

Now we can check it has installed or not of below command so go start and search Node.js command prompt and write below command

node –v

It will display the version of the installed node.js.
Then use below command in command prompt to install the Typescript
npm install -g typescript

How to install in visual studio
We have to go below following location

After that, we will see a window

And click the download button
And start the install after download

After that click run button

After that click install button -> Click Yes button

After completing Installation how can we check in visual studio, it is installed or not
First, open visual studio and go to help option in the menu

And also we can check

Way of writing syntax
We can see first how can write in javaScript
var number1 = 5;
var number2 = 5;
var str = "Hello";
var something = 890;
var lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
function Add(number1, number2) {
    return number1 + number2;

We can see first how can write in TypeScript
var number1: number =5;
var number2: number =5;
var str: string = "Hello";
var something = 890;
var lst: Array<number>  = [1,2,3,4,5]
function Add(number1: number,number2: number){
return number1  +  number2;

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