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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Create a console application for Bank  to do transactions like Deposit, withdrawal,
Print Passbook.
 Generate token
numbers for the customers and make a  queue and allow  customers to do do the
transaction in FIFO Manner and finally print the receipt.
Ask User:
1) Add new Customer
2) Attend a customer
If user select Add new Customer
Ask for: Enter Name and Account Number
If user select Attend Customer then
1) Deposit
2) Withdraw
3) Print Passbook
Print: Basic details and relevant messages.
     class Program
        void Bank()
            Queue tokenNumber = new Queue();
            Queue accountNumber = new Queue();
            Queue custName = new Queue();
            double money;
            int TokenNumber = 1;

            Console.WriteLine("\n1.  Adding new Customer ");
            Console.WriteLine("\n2.  Attend a customer ");
            int outer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            switch (outer)
                case 1:
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter Your Name  : ");
                    string name = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter Account Number : ");
                    string accno = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.WriteLine("\nPlease Wait...Your Token number is: {0} \n", TokenNumber++);
                    goto doTransAgain;
                case 2:
                    if (tokenNumber.Count > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n======= Select your Transaction From (1-3) ==========");
                        Console.WriteLine("1.  Deposit Money ");
                        Console.WriteLine("2.  Withdraw Money ");
                        Console.WriteLine("3.  Print Passbook ");

                        int inner = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                        switch (inner)
                            case 1://Deposit Money
                                Console.WriteLine("\nYour Token No. {0} Please Attend at Counter :(A)\n", tokenNumber.Dequeue());
                                Console.Write("Enter the Amount to be Deposit: ");
                                money = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                                Console.WriteLine("\n------------- Cash Deposit Reciept -----------");
                                Console.WriteLine("\n\tCash Deposited :   {0}\n\tAccount No :  {1}\n\tCust Name :   {2}\n", money, accountNumber.Dequeue(), custName.Dequeue());

                                Console.WriteLine("------------  ---------------------------------");
                                goto doTransAgain;

                            case 2://Withdrwal

                                Console.WriteLine("\nYour Token No. {0} Please Attend at Counter :(B)\n", tokenNumber.Dequeue());
                                Console.Write("Enter the Amount to be Withdraw: ");
                                money = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                                Console.WriteLine("\n------------- Cash Withdraw Reciept -----------");
                                Console.WriteLine("\n\tCash Withdraw :   {0}\n\tAccount No :   {1}\n\tCust Name :    {2}\n", money, accountNumber.Dequeue(), custName.Dequeue());

                                Console.WriteLine("----------- ---------------------------------");
                                goto doTransAgain;

                            case 3://Print Passbook

                                Console.WriteLine("\nYour Token No. {0} Please Attend at Counter :(C)\n", tokenNumber.Dequeue());
                                Console.Write("Enter Money in Your Account : ");
                                money = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

                                Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t-----  Printing Pass Book ----- ");
                                Console.WriteLine("\n\t\tAccount number :  {0}\n\t\tAccount Holder Name :{1}\n\t\tTotal Amount :  {2}\n", accountNumber.Dequeue(), custName.Dequeue(), money);

                                goto doTransAgain;

                        }//Innser Switch case end

                    }//if end

                        Console.WriteLine("There is no Customer Available Right now...\n");
                        goto doTransAgain;
                    break;//outer case 2 end

            }//outer switch case end

        }//end of Bank Method
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program obj = new Program();


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