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Monday, June 22, 2015

Write a program to create ‘ConstOverLoad’ class with a constructor which takes a, b Integer values as arguments and assigns as Height, Width values for Rectangle. Overload the Constructor method with size value as an argument and assign as Height & Width value for Square. Show the results on a Console application.

class Program
        public class ConstOverLoad
            int Height, Width;
            public ConstOverLoad(int a, int b)
                Height = a;
                Width = b;
            public ConstOverLoad(int x)
                Height = x;
                Width = x;
            public void Show()
                Console.WriteLine("Height is:" + Height);
                Console.WriteLine("Width is" + Width);
        static void Main(string[] args)

            ConstOverLoad c = new ConstOverLoad(50, 80);
            Console.WriteLine("Result for Rectangel.. \n");
            ConstOverLoad c1 = new ConstOverLoad(100);
            Console.WriteLine("Result for Square. ");


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