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Monday, May 18, 2015

1). Advantages of VB.NET.
2). Difference between gridview, datalist and repeater control.
3). Describe session handling in a webfarm, how does it work and what are the limits.
4). Difference between a sub and a function.
5). Give the detail procedure of how to add different controls at runtime in VB and .Net. The controls should be added as per the customers requirement at the customers place without intervention of the programmer. Similarly, how to remove these controls which are generated by the customer at runtime.
6). How to minimize4, maximize and restore my form programmatically ?
7). How different are interface and abstract class in .NET?
8). How do stored procedure look like, can you provide some sample stored procedures?
9).  How many types of cookies are there?
10). How to copy the contents from one table to another table and how to delete the source table in ADO .Net ?
11). I have one .Net application and I have two databases which is in SQL Server 2000 and one more database in ORACLE? How can access the database from different databases?
12). What is ExecuteNonQuery?
13). What are the differences between User control and web controls and custom control?
14). What are the different components of ADO .Net?
15). What is the difference between Asp.Net and ASP?
16). What is the need of z-order method?
17). What are the new features 3.5 framework against the tool? What is the difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write()?
18). Which property on a combobox do you set with a column name? prior to setting the datasource, to display data in the combo box?
19). Why is a catch(Exception) almost always a bad idea?

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