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Monday, May 18, 2015

Mahindra Satyam
1). Contrast the use of an abstract base class against an interface.
2). Difference between static page and dynamic page.
3). Explain .Net architecture and framework.
4). Given a server with 4 cpus and databases write a pseudcode to search for the word camera in 100,000 html documents.
5). How can your software identity which version of .Net framework install in client pc and install framework accordingly?
6). How can I make my first application with DataGrid using the data from ADO.NET?
7). How does output caching work in ASP.Net?
8). How many languages .Net is supporting now?
9). Using COM component in .NET what is the difference between a namespace and assembly?
10). Where is assembly are store?
11). What are good ADO.NET object(s) to replace the ADO recordset object?
12). What are the different types of replication? How are they used?
13). What are the different layers in ADO.NET?
14). What are the two kinds of properties?
15). What is a database connection?
16). What is the purpose of .NET?
17). What is the purpose of using COLLATE in a query?
18). What is the Pager object?
19). What is the difference between destructor and garbage collector?
20). Where would you use an IHTTP Module, and what are the limitations of any approach you might take in implementing one?

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