We are providing online training of realtime Live project on Asp.Net MVC with Angular and Web API. For more information click here. If you have any query then drop the messase in CONTACT FORM

Sunday, May 17, 2015

1). ASP.Net Authentication providers and IIS security?
2). Contrast OOP and SOA what are tenets of each?
3). Explin about back ground process control in .Net?
4). Explain 2 tier, 3tier architecture?
5). Is here built in support for tracing/logging?
6). Tell me something about crystal report in brif?
7). What is a dataset?
8). What is an internal specifirer? What happens internally when I use access specifier internal?
9). What are the ASP.Net web forms? How is this technology different than what is available thouh ASP(1.0-3.0)
10). What are cursors? Name four type of cursors and when each one would be applied?
11). What are value types and reference types?
12). What is the Manifest?
13). What is a persistent, Transient object?
14). What is serialization?
15). What is the reason of occurring overflow arithmetic exception error , it shows error message when we run our program by adding control?
16).  What is the standard you use to wrap up a call to a web service?
17). What is View state?
18). What is thee difference between private and shared assembly?
19). Which Dll file is needed to be registered for ASP?
20). Why should one use a specialized data provide when the data can be accessed with general data provides?

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