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Sunday, May 17, 2015


1).  OOP class A has m1 method class B has m1 method and C is the class that inherits a class, A class inherits B class. If object dim c as new a() c.m1(), Tell me which method of class will call?

2). Can you explain what inheritances and an example of when you might use it?

3). How can I produce an assembly?

4). How do I create a command and supply the sql query to ADO.Net?(Command object and command string)

5). How many types languages does .Net support? Name at least 10-15?

6) How would ASP and ASp.Net apps run at the same time on the same server?

7). In .Net compact framework, can I free memory explicitly without waiting for garbage collector to free the memory?

8). Should validation (did the user enter a real date) occur server side or client side? why?

9). What are good ADO.Net object(s) to replace the ADO record set object?

10). What are the differences between ASP and ASP.Net?

11). What is Common Type System(CTS)?

12). What is web service?

13). What is CLR? Differentiate between CLR & CTS?

14). What is de-normalization? When do you do it and how?

15). What is the difference between proc. Set by Val and Ref?

16). What is the difference between proc, Sent by Val and Ref?

17). What is the difference between the C#.Net and VB.Net?

18). What is the purpose of reserved word? Using in C#?

19).  What is three tier Architecture?

20). What is the role of the Data Reader class in ADO.Net connections?

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