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Sunday, May 17, 2015


1). Can you explain the difference between an ADO.Net Dataset and ADO Record set?

2).  Can you give an example of when it would be appropriate to use a web service as opposed?

3). Difference between assembly manifest and metadata assembly manifest?

4). Explain connection less and with connection? Difference between data reader, dataset, data adapter? Can we use data reader, data set in a single application? If yes explain with simple code, if no explain?

5). Explain how view state is being formed and how it's stored on client?

6). How to create assembly?

7). How can you debug failed assembly binds?

8) How does assembly versioning work?

9). How I prepare parameterized (with more than one parameter) crystal reports please tell me the code procedure, if any body can?

10). Features in .net framework 1.1?

11). How can create XML file?

12). What is strong name?

13). What does this do? Gacutil I/Find/About?

14). What is Delegation?

15). What is meant by 2 tier architecture?

16). What is referential integrity and how can we archive it?

17). What is the difference between a namespace and assembly?

18). What is difference between an exe and a dll?

19). What is the .Net Frame work data provider for OLEDB?

20). What is the maximum size of the text box?

21). What  tags do you need to add within the asp: datagrid tags to bind columns manually?

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