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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Important Interview questions and answers of SQL Server

1.) What is the use of SQL Server Management Studio ?

It is a software which is basically used for store and retrieve the data from the database.

2.) How to change existing database using command in sql server ?

Alter Database olddatabase_name modify Name=NewDatabase
Alter Database school modify Name=college

3.) How to update an existing record in a table ?

Update table_name set column1=value,column2=value where column3=value
Update student set sname='mithilesh4.) How to Drop the Existing column from a table ?
alter table table_name drop column column_name
alter table student drop column saddress',sage=25 where sid=103

4.) How to delete a row from a table in sql server?

Delete from table_name where column_name =value
Delete from student where sid =105

5.) How to add a New Column in your Existing table using sql command ?

alter table table_name add column_name datatype
alter table student add saddress varchar(40)

6.) How to change the size of Existing column in a table ?

alter table table_name alter column column_name datatype
alter table student alter column saddress varchar(80)

7.) How to Drop the Existing column from a table ?

alter table table_name drop column column_name
alter table student drop column saddress

8.) Is "INTO" Keyword is optional in insert statement ?

Yes,We can insert the data in table without Into Keyword.

9.) Which keyword is always used for any changes in Database or table ?


10.) How to change the column name in a existing table ?

sp_rename 'table_name.oldcolumn_name','NewColumnName','column'
sp_rename 'student.sage','s_age','column'

11.) How to change a existing table in sql server using command ?

sp_rename ' oldtable_name ',' Newtable_name ','object'
sp_rename 'student','student_details','object'

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