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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Q.What is void keyword in c# and give a example?

Q.What is void keyword in c# and given one example?

A void is empty. The void keyword in the C# language indicates that a method returns nothing.
When a void method is invoked,
it has no result and no variable can be assigned. Void is useful throughout our source code.


C# program that declares void type methods
using System;

class Program
    static void Example1()
 Console.WriteLine("Static void method");
    void Example2()
 Console.WriteLine("Instance void method");
 return; // Optional

    static void Main()
 // Invoke a static void method.

 // Invoke an instance void method.
 Program program = new Program();
 // This statement doesn't compile.

 // int x = Example1();


Static void method
Instance void method 


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