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Friday, February 27, 2015

Q.What is the difference between show and show dialog in c#.Net


  1. Using this method, the user can switch between windows in the application.
  2. Each opened window process requests separately.
  3. Used when, an application execution proceeds normally.
  4. Syntax to display:         SubWindow subWin = new SubWindow(); subWin.Show();
  5. Syntax to close :subWin.Close();
  1. Using this method, the new window is the only window display over the other windows in the application.
  2. Only opened window responds to user input until it is closed.
  3. Used when, to create custom dialog boxes or in other situation that requires user input require before an application can proceed.
  4. Syntax to display: SubWindow subWin = new SubWindow(); subWin.ShowDialog();
  5. Syntax to close :subWin.Close();

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